Thursday 22 November 2012

Students Raising Money For A Good Cause


This blog belongs to three student of the University of Chester, and we are trying to raise money to volunteer at a rehabilitation centre in Africa. We have set up this blog to let people know what we are aiming to do and how we are going to achieve it!
Amy Davies,
I study Bsc (Hons) Animal Behaviour and Welfare. I'm really enjoying my course learning about the different handling techniques for the different taxa aswell as the anatomy side of the course. I'm really interested in animal welfare which is why I am really looking forward to going to volunteer in the rehabilitation centre. I have organised charity fundraising events in the past so I am hoping we will be successful :) We have already come up with some great ideas between us so it will be a fun way to raise money with my friends for a great cause!! Not only that but the trip will be a fantastic opportunity for all of us to gain more experience.

Leigh-Anne Nemedi,
I am also studying Bsc (Hons) Animal Behaviour and Welfare. I am glad that I chose this course as I really enjoy learning about different animals in different subject areas, I mostly like to take part in practicle sides. I also take part in volunteering for the Reaseheath College zoo, to help out with husbandry and training of the animals. I love spending time with my friends and family esp my 'family' at Uni that we have all built together! We are all trying really hard to fundraise to go to Africa to help the different species of wild animals and to learn more about the species in their natural environment.

Roxanne Crump,
I study FdSc Zoo Management. I love my course and on it I get to learn the basics of exotic animal husbandry, health care, handling and feeding. I get to do a lot of practical work in the course as well as outside the course and volunteering in Africa will be a great addition. I hope that fundraising for the trip as well as being out there with my friends will be fun! Conservation is a passion of mine and it will be great to get involved in conservation work out in Africa.

We want to spend two weeks in Africa at the Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre. The centre aims to not only rehabilitate injured or poisioned wildlife but also contributes to the conservation of many endangered species and they also facilitate a number of successful breeding programmes. A large percentage of the money we pay goes towards the up keep of the centre.
We will keep this blog up to date with any ideas or fundraising events that we organise as well as giving people an incite into what we do during our practical sessions on the college zoo. We hope you can get involved, follow our blog or even just offer us any advice. This blog is a way to get our ideas out there. We hope you enjoy reading it :)

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